Witosław Czerwonka

Błądzenie losowe. Nowy Port / Random Walk; Nowy Port, 2013


wall of the building at 55/56 Na Zaspę Street (seen from Władysława IV Street)


* A random walk is a concept in  mathematics and physics, which refers to the formalisation of a process that consists of a succession of random steps.


Flaneur au rebours

Perhaps I have got lost in the world, for years having been engaged in a passionless and detached observation of my environment.

I am not some 19th-century idle loafer, bored and entertained by exotic urban sights. I do not collect social vignettes nor objects that are sumptuous or amusing.

Rather I am a nomadic cyborg, who dispassionately and without any preselection registers random images of the world..

This activity calms me down and fills the time, simultaneously satisfying my attachment to economy of gesture.


The portrait of the peripheral (?) district of the city thus created may astound both its residents and the author. The question mark refers to uncertainty as to whether this district should perhaps be treated as the boundary wall and main gateway of Gdańsk.

Witosław Czerwonka

Sopot, 1 March 2013


Witosław Czerwonka (1949–2015) – a versatile artist, active in painting, graphic art, photography, video and performance. Closely connected to Sopot. A graduate of the Faculty of Painting and Sculpture of the National Higher School of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, and from 1976 he was a pedagogue until he died. During 1978–80 he co-founded AUT Gallery in Gdańsk, followed by OUT Gallery in Sopot. During 1980–93, he co-founded the innovative programme Basic Design Studio and in 1992, he founded the Intermedia Studio.


Instytut Kultury Miejskiej

Długi Targ str. 39/40, Gdańsk
e-mail: info@narracje.eu · www.ikm.gda.pl

Media contact: marta.bednarska@ikm.gda.pl, tel. 784 594 003


Narracje 7

Narracje 7