Curatorial Concept


Soft Spots


Soft spots are places that demand our attention. Places that – upon closer inspection and contemplation – reveal their energy and multilayered stories. Our vision of the NARRACJE festival involves finding existing soft spots within Gdańsk’s Orunia neighbourhood and creating new ones. They will define the spaces and routes for our collective journeys, forging connections with art, people and the surroundings.

Works by invited artists as well as performative and educational activities taking place during the festival will serve as the cornerstone for a shared experience, creating a situation of attentively looking at Orunia. We will focus on the narratives behind it, its architecture, social fabric and natural environment. The NARRACJE artists will identify soft spots in the neighbourhood, both physical and ephemeral, rooted in emotions, biographies, gossip, legends and anecdotes. They will engage in a dialogue with them, inviting conversations to unfold.

The subject and purpose of this year’s NARRACJE, as well as or method of working on the programme, are defined by attention and attentiveness. During the festival, we encourage you to open your senses to a new way of establishing relations with your surroundings (in particular the environment) – because individual points on the festival map are just as important as the paths you weave between them. The presented artworks will appeal to multiple senses at once – we hope it will enable you to more attentively experience not just art but also the relations, places and situations outside the official programme. Together, over the two festival days, we are going to build a soft and tender map of Orunia.

Katarzyna Słoboda and Jakub Gawkowski

Instytut Kultury Miejskiej
Targ Rakowy 11

Contact for media:
tel. 784 594 003

Instytut Kultury Miejskiej GGM Miasto Gdańsk