Fot. Alina Żemojdzin

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Elżbieta Jabłońska, Przeróbka, Przerabka, Trojan, Troyl, 2022, installation


Cooperatively offer resistance to matter.
Reduce activity, put it to a halt or slow it down.
Refrain from adding, generating, filling in.
Take away, eliminate, reduce.

In the face of the surrounding excess, subject oneself to a constructive,
creative resignation, stop all production.
In small communities, collectively dissolve and disperse
in the world.
Put on hold, remove, dismantle.*

*Fragment of Znikając. Deficytowe zdarzenie w okresie przejściowym (Disappearing. A deficit event in in the interim period) from Hipotezy awangardowe. Teksty i obrazy zebrane (Avant-Garde Hypotheses. Collected texts and images; ed. by Aneta Szyłak, publ. by Nomus, 2017), which Elżbieta Jabłońska adopted as her most topical manifesto.

How not to alter Przeróbka? This question leads Elżbieta Jabłońska toward discoveries and tender observation. How to open up the inaccessible and shed light on things hidden in semi-darkness. Momentarily retain an image of this place, its history and the people who created it.

For the two festival days, the artist moves into the ZNTKiM railway workshop, whose history dates back to 1910. For a moment, she settles in a place filled with past energy, which for over one hundred years employed thousands of people. Elżbieta reduces her actions to the minimum: she reads the names and surnames of employees of the factory, indicating locations, objects and spaces filled with primaeval, though fatigued beauty.


Elżbieta Jabłońska is a visual artist working with installation, photography, performance art, and actions within the time-space continuum. She graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, where she teaches intermedia drawing. In her art, she engages in an ironic game with the social roles attributed to the individual and the mechanisms governing the functioning of art institutions. She also reflects on social involvement in the arts. To Jabłońska, a work of art is a relational object whose meaning and significance are subject to change and negotiation. |

Elżbieta Jabłońska, Przeróbka, Przerabka, Trojan, Troyl, 2022, installation

hala Zakładów Naprawczych Taboru Kolejowego i Miejskiego, ul. Siennicka 25

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Długi Targ street 39/40

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Instytut Kultury Miejskiej GGM Miasto Gdańsk
Narracje #13