Ines Tartler [Germany]

“Gdansk Golden Garage” | site specific installation

venue: Dziewanowskiego Str., along the street


“Gdansk Golden Garage” 2013 is a new iteration of Tartler’s “Golden Auto Garage” series which began in 2004 with single golden car cover installed on a Berlin street for a single night; and which found its participatory dimension in an 11-day project in Auckland, New Zealand 5 years later. In Gdańsk three golden car covers will ‘protect’ various cars parked in the Pułkownika Jana Dziewanowskiego residential neighbourhood through the permission and participation of local residents. The car covers are illuminated by the existing street lamps and house lights.

In preparing the programme for the 5th edition of Narracje, the more the Dlugie Ogrody territory was spoken of as ‘derelict’, ‘neglected’ or ‘nameless’ it became important to remember, to assert, and to engage with the fact that the area is also ‘home’ to many people; that it is not simply an ‘unmade’ place. Therefore it was important to meet with residents during the preparation of the Narracje program; to propose and encourage projects that might engage with residents in their day-to-day situations; and to accord such people the respect of offering opportunities for them to participate and even to answer back and to resist such art activities as we might introduce to the territory. The Pułkownika Jana Dziewanowskiego residential neighbourhood and community has been invited to participate in Tartler’s project which honours the motivations of making a place ‘home’.


Ines Tartler (b. 1969) is a Germany artist who lives and works in Rauental, Germany. Tartler’s practice is composed of the most intense yet often ephemeral or almost invisible investigations of site, architecture and contingent social relations. Her solo exhibitions and site-specific projects include ‘Die Umarmung der Räume’ (2009); tor 111, Berlin (2009); ‘The Golden Garage Service’, Britomart, Auckland (2009); ‘Ortsauslöser’, Atelierhof Kreuzberg, Berlin (2008); ‘Einsatzort’, super bien!, Berlin (2007); and ‘Geschmacksverstärker’, Zagreus Projekt, Berlin (2005). She has also shown in numerous group exhibitions across Europe.


Ines Tartler, Auto Garage, 2004, Augustrasse, Berlin